Monday, August 11, 2008

Delayed Postings

Four new memes for you today to make up for the four that I couldn't publish due to wifi/time considerations.

Wacky Wall Walkers

Coming at you free: it's the ugliest read sweater known to mankind.

These sticky messes made their owner wealthy beyond imagination, but all they did for us was work for a few weeks and the everything known to mankind would start to stick to it.  I would never bother to clean it, so it pretty much just served as a great place to grow bacteria.

GI Joe

I know the new movie is coming out, but I had this theme song in my head coming home from Minneapolis and had to torture all of you with it as well.

Knowing that song is the other half of the battle.

Billy Ocean: Loverboy

How could you miss the obvious "tribue" to "Star Wars", "Planet of the Apes", and "Superman II"?  Sometimes I think Billy was actually trapped in that rotating triangle thing and that's why he hasn't produced another hit.

The Truffle Shuffle

Boy, this one just can't be missed.  I wake up in a cold sweat some nights thinking about this.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

"Mr. T" Cartoon.

Remember the good old days, when all you had to do was go to school and sleep?

Those were the days.  Well at least the week days.

On Saturday, something special happened.  Suddenly, you didn't feel tired and lazy anymore.  You had something to live for ... CARTOONS!

One of my favorite cartoons was Mr. T.

There is just something about a former A-Team member joining up with a bunch of multicultural gymnasts to fight crime all over the world.  There was the "Junior Mr. T Wannabe" who looked more like Danny Bonaduce than Mr. T as well the the creepy lady that drove the bus.  We also can't forget the Mr. T dog that had a  (wait for it)  MOHAWK.

I remember that this show was the closest to Scooby Doo that the 80's could produce.  It was well done, if a bit far fetched.  The real life intros to each episode by Mr. T were priceless.  My favorite that still sticks in my head is "Stay in school fool."

As the new A-Team movie starts to slowly creep into pre production, maybe we will see the animated Mr. T series out on DVD in the next few years.  I for one could use a dose of T ...  FOOL!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hey Look: I'm The First Person To Criticize The Olympic Coverage

This is my usual disclaimer that this review was cross posted to both my blogs on Streme of Meme as well as Really Random Reviews.  Yes, I'm that cheap when it comes to blog entries.

Oh NBC, you have failed me.

I know it's day "-2" of the Olympics, but your first soccer broadcast of the match between Germany and Brazil is about as useful as a slide show.

Late Monday night, I had a notification from my TiVo that I had magically been granted access to the NBC Olympic Soccer Channel.  This would give me access to "whistle to whistle" action of every soccer match of the Olympics.

Being the devoted soccer geek that I am, I got up this morning at 4:00 AM to watch the coverage.  I was greeted with a jerky, pixelated mess that was pretty much useless.  Even the audio wasn't coming through.  After about twenty minutes of hope that the problem would be fixed, I just grabbed my laptop and started reading RSS feeds.

Shame on NBC for promising to deliver something and then failing miserably.  A lot of people might point out that this is the first televised event, but they had FOUR YEARS to work on this.  I have never been satisfied with NBC's Olympic coverage.  They paid almost a billion dollars for the rites to the Olympics, and they have never managed to get their coverage quite right.

General Electric (which owns NBC) is very much the Six Sigma poster child.  You would think that the core focus of the televised event would be to manage down the defects in the actual broadcast to at least a five sigma level.  (For those of you that know what I'm talking about, please reward yourself with a latte and a lobotomy today).

I'll be looking forward to the day when NBC's dominance of the Olympics is over.  It's time for some fresh blood.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New Direction For Steam of Meme

I got a great response to my "random punishment videos" yesterday.

I'm thinking about finding one such video each day and writing a little more in-depth about it.  Maybe I can actually live up to the title of the blog.

It would be an interesting challenge to take a random thought in my head and add my own special (and demented) take on it.  There are so many things that have influenced us in the last 20 years.  A lot of them seem to be "flashes in the pan".  If you are in your 20's to 30's, you should remember the bulk of this stuff.

My job would be to do the visual equivalent of sneaking up behind you and rubbing them in your face again.

It's an interesting concept.  I already have my first thought.  I will work on it tonight as sort of a test post.

If you have any feedback about the slight content change, let me know in the comments section under this blog post.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Two Days And Counting

Two days left in my current job.  

Then I start the adventure of learning a job all over again.  

This will be my fourth job after college.  Not too bad.  I'm think I'm on pace with the national average.  

It's funny how many times we change jobs in our lives.  It's also amazing that we are actually able to do so.  One to two generations ago, I would have locked into working on a farm or a cattle ranch just due to my "birth rite".  

Every once and a while, I try to think about what life was like even when I was a kid.  It amazes me how far we have come.

One can only wonder what life will be like in 20 years.  

oops I missed a day....

Due to a lot of cleaning and traveling I missed a day.

So to punish myself (and all of you), here are some random videos that make absolutely no sense.  I assure you that they were totally auto generated in my brain just now.  A special thanks to YouTube for helping find substance to my madness.

Hulk Hogan Theme Song: Sung By The Chipmunks.
The cheesiest American theme song ever devised, made better by the speeded up goodness of Chipmunks.

"Gimme a Break": Show opening
Oh Nel. You were a big star. And I will leave it at that.

"Here I Go Again" -- Whitesnake
The best song about a girl denting up two cars since -- well -- EVER.  
I used to watch this video over and over for some reason. Ah the sweet '80s hair band lifestyle. I don't really miss it.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Getting A House Ready

We have a visitor coming soon and as usual, we are scrambling to get the house "clean".

It's funny.  I think everyone has this problem.  A guest is coming and the first thing you do is think "this house is a mess".  Then you spend three days before cleaning and scrubbing only to provide a place to mess it up all over again.

For some reason, I'm very neat with some things and very messy with others.  Take clothes for example.  I'll just throw all my clothes around in various states on the floor (thankfully we have a spare bedroom that's usually unoccupied).  Then we have the kitchen.  I'll spend hours making sure that my various pot, pans, tools, and implements are cleaned and put away.

A wild guess about why I do this would be that I hate to do laundry and love to cook.  That would make sense, but I don't intentionally do it.

Maybe I can get a federal grant to study it.

It also provides a great opportunity to watch my wife and I argue about the chores that we need to do.  Like my laundry and kitchen duality, we both covertly try and get the other to do the chores that we both don't like to do.  This can range from hints to subterfuge.  Usually, I triumph (does that make me a "pig"?), but end up doing most everything else to compensate (does that make me "whipped"?).

I just wish that we could train ourselves to do a little each day.  I'm going to try my best in the next week to do this.  I'll try and report back next week and see if it makes any difference.

Friday, August 1, 2008