Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Blogging To Me

Hey, it’s my birthday.

Why do you care (good question)?

It is my goal to write one blog entry every day for a year.

The blog may evolve in the year, or it might just get flushed down the already clogged internet toilet, but I’m going to try.

I love the ‘net.  I have created several sites that reflect my love of the internet (no plugs here) but I have never just taken time to write down something that is personal to me.

I think the key to the success that has eluded me on the ‘net so far is that you have to be totally original and I’m going to do that with this blog.

I’m going to take you on a very scary journey inside my head.  I’m going to try and give you a sneak peak of the random stuff that wanders through my head all day.  People always say that my brain “is full of useless facts”.  We are going to put that to the test.

So here’s to 364 days of random fun.  I’ll be installing Disqus into the comment area of this blog so feel free to post anything that crosses your mind as well.  By using the excellent Seesmic plugin, you can share video comments as well.  I’m looking forward to meeting a lot of new people out there on the web.
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